And We’ve Come Full Circle!

We’ve come to the end of our first blogging assessment! I must admit it’s a little bittersweet! Despite my procrastination when it comes to uploading these blogs I have honestly enjoyed the learning process of creating posts. I’ve been able to gain a deeper insight into the issues discussed during lectures and tutorials and relate that back to my own findings.

I’ve loved the BCM110 lectures the most as I always find them to be the most entertaining and engaging — with content which is fascinating.

At first the idea of sharing blogs on a open website, accessible to anyone, completely terrified me. I didn’t like the idea of anyone else reading my work and being able to judge it, however, this process has proved helpful as everyone in our little community has proved amiable and critical in the best way. We’ve managed to create a mediated public sphere of our own by commenting on one another’s blogs and communicating through twitter. I’ve learnt so much about different aspects of the media, not only through my own blogs but by reflecting on those of my peers. I believe there is a clear difference as art is set out with the purpose of provoking thought and creating debate.

Some things which have particularly interested me during the past six weeks is the incorporation of how children are affected and manipulated by the media. The whole idea of ‘corporate paedophlia’ and the idea of where lines become blurred between art and pornography. Having studied visual art all throughout high school I don’t see the pornographic aspect of art. Art is constructed for creative purposes and although works such as those of Bill Henson are confronting, that’s the whole point of contemporary art. He was charged for child pornography even though he had consent of both the parents and the child. Henson’s works are presented with the aim of shocking the audience and forcing them to question the conceptual aspects of teenage nudity and the limbo between childhood and adulthood.



This photo is one of the ones from Henson’s controversial 2008 collection. Is it depicting young love or suggesting something more sinister? I suppose it comes down to an individual’s ideologies, but as long as those involved have given consent I don’t see an issue with Henson’s expression of art.

Ciao for now!


References: 2014. Art or porn? Photographer facing obscenity charges – National – [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Apr 2014]. 2012. Bill Henson’s photographic work seized from gallery by police – 80 Days That Changed Our Lives – ABC Archives. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Apr 2014].

2 thoughts on “And We’ve Come Full Circle!

  1. Hi Jarrah, I thought it brilliant how you incorporated your personal opinion of the pornographic aspect of art, and that as a visual arts student you find the human body a beautiful thing. You have encapsulated the topics of the past 6 weeks in an intriguing way.

  2. I really can feel you on the aspect of being a bit edgy about having others read your blog. Being an introverted person, others opinions and knowing that they are reading my stuff kinda spooked me at first… but it’s been a real good learning experience! The whole idea of art versus pornography really was fascinating to learn too. The thin line drawn between the two and what steps on either side..

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